For perfect mouldings, you must start with perfect grinding templates.
Phone: 1-800-759-6268
Driver Software
Driver Software
The AutoTEMP software is licensed to the original purchaser of the AutoTEMP machine ONLY.
If you are purchasing a used machine, give us a call regarding relicensing the software. For a nominal fee we will setup your software to work with the template maker and provide you with toll-free technical support. We will also help you with the best processes and programs to make the transition to your new machine as smooth as possible.
Finally, a Windows based driver software for your Template Making System.
Keep the same CAD program and machine. Driver software is compatible with all Windows operating systems.
Compatible with most Template Makers and all standard CAD programs, the AutoTEMP control software has been designed specifically for template making. Using available memory on the machine this software allows your employees to work on the next drawing while the machine is cutting, switches the router on and off automatically, plus many other features.
Scroll down the page to learn more about the advantages of using this software, including these features:
- Cut and Draw Templates at the Same Time
- No More Special Layers
- Offsets the Tool Automatically for Gauges
- 3D Toolpath Verification
- Automatic Router On/Off
- Specially Designed User Interface
- Multiple Error Detection
- No Software Key
- Support
- Cut Statistics
- Cut Multiple Templates
- Axial Lines

Software Details:
Cut and Draw Templates at the Same Time
Using different memory options the machine will now buffer all the moves and cut from memory while you are drawing the next template. No more waiting for the template to finish cutting before the CAD operator can draw the next template or enter any other program.
No More Special Layers
As before, you can still have holes in the templates and engraving on the template, but now with the added advantage of using all the system fonts available in your windows program. Another advantage is drawing all the entities on the same layer. No more worrying about placing the text on a certain layer, or if someone sends you a file renaming your layers certain names. We have also ensured on this software, the tool always rotates around holes the correct way, eliminating a rough finish to holes in templates.
Offsets the Tool Automatically for Go/No-Go Gauges
No more selecting whether you are cutting a template or a gauge. The program will now recognize the difference and offset the tool to the inside or the outside the profile correctly. Again the tool will rotate around the inside of the profile and the outside of the profile according to the bit being used.
3D Toolpath Verification
Pan the 3D toolpath real-time using the 3D toolpath verification.
Router On and Off
The program has also been designed to automatically switch the router on and off before and after cutting. This option is a must for any user that has their machine out in the shop while the computer is in a seperate room.
Specially Designed User Interface
The program has been designed to step the user through the normal process of template making automatically. As you open the software, you select to cut a template, the program then automatically opens a file selection box and as soon as you select the file, shows the toolpath and allows you to cut a template.
Problem Files
No more fixing a problem, saving, converting then running the program again to find another problem, then fixing that problem, saving, converting…….this program shows all errors at one time, zooming in on the errors.
No Software Key
Use the program on multiple computers without the problem of having only 1 software key (dongle). Perfect for companies that have a machine in a separate area to the CAD program. Draw the template on the CAD program and run it through the control software to ensure there are no errors in the drawing. Then if the drawing is OK take it out to the machine to run.
Latest Driver Updates available from web-site.
Axial Lines
Another feature of this software is for the program to automatically identify axial lines that represent the side of the head. Just draw the lines on the template and the program will automatically engrave them – not cut through the plastic.
Cut Statistics
Need to know how long it will take to cut your template, or how big the template stock must be to cut the template? The AutoTemp control software has a statistics box that can optionally open by default, giving you the information you need.
Cut Multiple Templates
Want to cut more than one template at a time? No problem draw as many as you want. Your only restriction is the size of the machine you purchase.
Need Support?
We are here to help!
- Toll-free technical support
- Latest Driver Updates available from web-site
- 1 Year manufacturers parts and labor warranty
Contact Information:
Isel USA
Toll Free: 800-759-6268
Office: 516-595-7495
Address: 69 Bloomingdale Rd
Hicksville, NY 11801